A Bit About Me
Writer-Gatherer. Deep Listener. Dedicated Liberationist.
Favorite Mantra: I take full responsibility for the experience I am having.
My parenting and spirituality book, Raising Free People: Unschooling as Liberation and Healing Work, integrates humane, consent-based ways of divesting from our school-centric hazes.
All of my offerings support people in trusting towards daily lives that allow space for paying attention to each others needs, normalizing ritual, noticing our own opportunities to evolve our thinking, and contributing generously to the types of changes we want to see around us.
I recently completed a year as a seminary student, then pivoted to Thanatology studies (death, dying, bereavement). If you’re reading this, then you’ve met me at a time in my life where I’m swimming in the waters of grief at the individual and communal levels. Also, not only grief from the death of a person or animal, but grief from other losses and ends-of-cycles. Break-ups, identity-realizing, quitting something, losing a job or ending a friendship, dem tings deh.
I live in metro Atlanta with people I love, I’ve got a passion for plants and making things that are not stored on computers, and I dig working with private and corporate clients earthwide.

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