Is this your first personal leadership sanctuary visit?


here you’ll find invocations and functional art to help you name and process your feelings. schoolishness is the about living out your life according to someone else’s narrative about who and how you should be. as we slowly peel away at our layers of schoolishness, use the products and services in this space to support you in aligning your life with your authenticity.

because you care

original art on dope hoodies and fly t-shirts to wear what you feelin’ out loud

sometimes you need to write it down

to really name it

Read Raising Free People Book? This is your next step.

self-paced courses, workbooks, notebooks, and (occasionally) journals, because self-reflection work thrives in written forms

home decor, workspace decor, temporary space set-ups, learning center accents

reflect your feelings



the support


the feelings

cards designed with your evolution in mind.
feel, process, allow, evolve.

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